Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Literature and imagination Essay

In â€Å"Critical Approaches to Literature†, David Daiches has said that the imagination, in its primary manifestation, is â€Å"the great ordering principle†, an agency which enables us both â€Å"to discriminate and to order, to separate and to synthesize, and thus makes perception possible†, for without it, we would have only a collection of meaningless sensory data. Literary theory and poetry materialize concurrently, for poets have a strong tendency to form opinions about their craft and to use these opinions as part of the message of their poems. Imagination is undoubtedly inherent in literature, the prime component in any work of art, but this view has been a cause of debate since the dawn of literature and criticism. As with most dissentions and philosophy regarding literature and its attendant features, the first records of this debate are to be found in the germinal works of Aristotle and Plato. Writing at a time when the poet was venerated for his work, and the philosopher persecuted for his, it is but natural that Plato would react negatively towards poetry. He regarded it as being fundamentally unsound and his view of imagination was much the same, since the imagination is the wellspring from which poetry arises. Imagination was inspirational and emotional, and he did not agree or identify with it for he did not find it logical. Aristotle, on the other hand, acknowledged that art represented reality, and that imagination was an important element of the structuring and creating of art. Horace, while admitting that poets utilized â€Å"fiction and often mingled facts with fancy†, put forth a synthesis of Aristotle and Plato’s views. According to him, the end function of poetry is to please and instruct, â€Å"†¦ a mixture of pleasure and profit appeals to every reader†¦ † and hence, imagination took on a fairly central position. John Dryden, a Seventeenth Century liberal and neo- classical critic, acknowledged imagination as â€Å"inspiration breath’d into man by God. † Increasingly we observe that, as it is investigated down the ages, the primary human faculty of imagination becomes inseparable from poetry- Dryden acknowledged both the didactic and aesthetic nature of poetry. The term ‘Fancy†, so commonly used, was coined by him. Pope, in accordance to the vigorous structural formalism of the Augustans, declares that imagination was â€Å"native†, but that it should be kept under control, for there was a necessity for decorum. In the Nineteenth Century, the issue of imagination became one of utmost significance, mostly due to the theorizing of Wordsworth, and more significantly, of Coleridge. While imagination, as a primary and unique faculty of the human psyche and consciousness, was never debated, both poets managed to convey its indisputable significance in poetry. In the Seventeenth Century, the writer became of soul importance- the readers reacted to the experience of emotion with delight. This ‘delight’, the Romantics stressed, was the prime objective of their poetry, but was not achieved by mechanical application of rules, but by the strength of the imagination. An early and somewhat haphazard attempt on the part of Wordsworth to discriminate between ‘imagination’ (â€Å"Impressive effects out of simple elements†), and ‘fancy’ (â€Å"Pleasure and surprise†¦ excited by sudden varieties of situation and accumulated imagery†), appears in â€Å"The Thorn†. In earlier discussions, both of these had been in most part used synonymously to denote a faculty of the mind which is distinguished from ‘reason’ and ‘judgement’, and which receives ‘images’ from the senses and records them into new combinations. He stresses that ‘imagination’, and not ‘fancy’, should be used to refer to the creative or poetic principle. The distinction between imagination and fancy was a key element in Coleridge’s theory of poetry, as well as in the general theory of the mental processes. This laconic differentiation is the core of his exposition on â€Å"the nature and genesis of the imagination. † M. H. Abrams, in â€Å"The Mirror and the Lamp†, points out that, â€Å"As in his philosophy, so in his criticism, Coleridge roots his theory in the constitution and activity of the creative mind. † The memory, for Coleridge, is â€Å"mechanical†, and fancy â€Å"passive†, which acts only â€Å"by a sort of juxtaposition†. The imagination, on the other hand, â€Å"recreates†, its elements by a process to which Coleridge sometimes applies terms borrowed from the physical and chemical unions- it is a â€Å"synthetic†, a â€Å"permeative† and a â€Å"blending, fusing power†. The imagination is â€Å"essentially vital†; it â€Å"generates and produces a form of its own. † Fancy is thus a perfunctory process which receives the elementary images- the â€Å"fixities and definites† which it receives from the senses, and without altering the parts, reassembles them into a different spatial and temporal order form that in which they were originally perceived. The imagination creates rather than reassembles by dissolving the fixities and definites, and unifying them into a new whole. The faculty of imagination â€Å"generates and produces a form of its own† while its rules are â€Å"the very powers of growth and production. † It assimilates and synthesises the most disparate elements into an organic whole- a newly generated unity, constituted by a living interdependence of parts whose identity cannot survive their removal from the whole. Fancy can be taken to mean surface decorations of new combinations of memories and perceptions, while imagination involved a combination of elements in the cauldron of the poet’s mind, with imagination acting as a base of sorts more than anything else, which results in the creation of a new work. Coleridge further distinguishes between the Primary and Secondary imagination. If the process of creation is conceived as being essentially and perpetually the bringing of order out of chaos, then the Primary imagination is essentially creative and â€Å"a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the finite I AM. † This could be explained by reducing imagination to a single image, or a train of thought, in one’s mind- this quality, being inherent in every conscious, human being (that is, in evolutionary terms, the ability of foresight and being able to think around a situation), and Coleridge has recognized this as constituting the Primary imagination. The Secondary imagination is the conscious human use of this power. When we employ our Primary imagination in the act of perception, we are not doing so with our conscious will, but are exercising the basic faculty of our awareness of ourselves and the external world; the Secondary imagination is more conscious and less elemental, but it does not differ in kind from the primary. In imagination, elements in an environment that strike the creator’s sensibility are blended and fused into a new whole- the poet has to merge reason and emotion, restraint and spontaneity, the abstract and the concrete, etc. The entire exercise is a â€Å"reconciliation of opposites†, (precisely why it is a conscious one), emphasizing the dialectical character of creativity. The action can be reduced to three basic phases: thesis, antithesis and synthesis, but this process is inexplicable, as is imagination, and particular to the poet himself. The resultant exposition can never be stripped down to its original elements. To exemplify this, Coleridge uses the analogy of the transformation of a seed into a plant to explain this theory. Once the seed has been planted, and grows into a plant, it is impossible to reduce the plant to singular elements like the seed, the water, the air, the soil, etc. It is a whole- an organic unit. In the same manner- a creation of the imagination has an inherent organic unity- it cannot be reduced to any of its contributory elements. This is the dialectical character of creativity that involves synthesis- the result of this blend and fusion is a whole. Coleridge stressed that imagination makes â€Å"new perception possible†. If indeed a work springs out of imagination, it holds the ability to penetrate the experience of its genesis and reveal the essence of the object. This echoes Aristotle’s view that poetry or art penetrates through the idea of an object and brings to the surface not the particular, but the universal in the particular, the essence. In a writer’s imagination, thus, the experience is unifying or coadunative- what Coleridge calls â€Å"Esemplastic†- it is moulded into an expression by the imagination. Literature thus becomes a piece of actuality subjected to the laws of imagination. Most critics after Coleridge tended to make fancy simply that faculty that produces a lesser, lighter, or more humorous kind of poetry, and to make imagination the faculty that produces a higher, more serious, and more passionate poetry. However, the mark of Coleridge’s theories is undoubtedly present in each of these. As he himself has stated: â€Å"I laboured at a solid foundation, in the component faculties of the human mind itself and their comparative dignity and importance. â€Å"

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Forbidden and Dangerous Love

essay Josephine Sellberg English Mrs. Giraud 1/9/10 Forbidden and Dangerous Love The story †Pyramus and Thisbe† is about two lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe. Because their love is forbidden, they are forced to do dangerous things to satisfy it. In the story, Pyramus and Thisbe’s parents have forbidden their love for each other. The teenagers live on either side of a wall that separates them. The two lovers one day decide that they want to be together and not have a wall between them. They decide to do a dangerous thing and sneak away from home into the dark fields.What drives the action in this story is Pyramus and Thisbe’s love that just gets stronger because it is forbidden. They take a dangerous risk when they sneak out into the wild when it’s dark and lions are around. When something is forbidden it can make it even more â€Å"attractive† and that is what happens with Pyramus and Thisbe’s love. Pyramus, â€Å"the handsomest youth† and Thisbe, â€Å"the fairest maiden† are the two lovers in the story; they want to get married, but their parents will not let them (1). One thing, however, they cannot forbid is their love for each other.In fact, their love â€Å"burned more intensely for being covered up† (1). They converse by signs and glances. Pyramus and Thisbe find a crack in the wall that separates them, allowing them to talk to each other. Amazing â€Å"what will not love discover† (1). Every night, when it is time to say farewell, the lovers are forced to â€Å"press their lips upon the wall† (1). They can never give each other a real goodnight kiss or a hug when they need one. The wall do not only separate them it separates their love. They just have to do something about it; it is just too hard for them to restrain their affection.This decision leads to dangerous plans. Danger moves the story forward due to Pyramus and Thisbe’s choices and plans. The two lovers decide to take the chance and sneak out. They were going to sneak out in the middle of the night beyond the â€Å"watchful eyes of their parents† (2) Pyramus has some knowledge of the danger because he brings a sword which he later uses to kill himself. They were going to meet in the fields the next night and be together. Thisbe is at the meeting place first and has to wait for Pyramus to come. She sees a lion and flees, and finds refuge under a rock.She drops her veil, which the lioness tosses around with her bloody mouth. When Pyramus approaches the meeting place, he sees footsteps of a lion and his lover’s bloody veil. He thinks that he has been the cause of her death and then he kills himself with the sword. As soon as Thisbe recognizes her lover she knows that she was not going to live her life without Pyramus, so she also kills herself. Pyarmus and Thisbe’s plan to sneak out ends up to be dangerous and nothing like they thought it would be like. Pyramus and Thisb e’s â€Å"forbidden love† for each other make them do dangerous things.Their love even gets stronger because of the fact that it is forbidden, and nothing can tear them apart. The story ends telling that even death cannot separate the two lovers. Pyramus and Thisbe were born to be together and that was how it was going to stay. When something is forbidden, it can be more interesting or attractive to a person. Something forbidden can make a person want to explore it even more, and take a risk just to explore it. When there is something we really want is withheld, our behavior and judgment can easily be clouded.

Person Centred approaches Essay

Understand the application of person centred approaches in health and social care. Person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care, to maintain their individual rights, to give them choice, promote their independence and to keep their dignity and respect. When we are planning a care plan it should reflect the needs and wishes of the client keeping and maintaining their independence and maintain their rights and choices remembering that their needs and wishes change from time to time. Never make assumptions about a person, find out their likes and dislikes. Each person is entitled to make their own choice to have their say and a right to respect and dignity. Outcome 3 Be able to establish consent when providing care or support 3.1 Analyse factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent Our mental capacity is the ability to think and reason, to be able to understand how our choices affect what can happen. There fore a person who has had a stroke can not always understand the simplest of questions, someone who has dementia or has mental health problems may not be make the right choices for themselves. Evan someone who has poor communication skills with English not being their first language can lead to misunderstanding. 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established If consent cannot be gained you need to inform your line manager and record that consent could be achieved in their notes. Your line manager can consult with other professionals to help. In some circumstances people are assessed as being unable to give consent. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the circumstances in which another person can make decisions on behalf to the person who lacks capacity. In many circumstances it is useful to ask family members about the person’s preferences and wishes Outcome 4 Be able to implement and promote active participation 1.1 Describe different ways of applying active participation to meet individual needs Active participation is a way of working with a person that recognises the person’s rights to participate in activities of everyday life as independently as possible it focuses on their wishes and abilities designed to maintain their impendence making them an active partner in their care or support. By working this way we are involving the person in all aspects of their care and needs meeting their wishes and giving them choice e.g. what clothes would they like to wear, would they like a shower or a wash, what would they like for their lunch. The person then feels more valued and involved with their care it also helps to build the persons confidence. Outcome 5 Be able to support the individuals’ right to make choices 5.4 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others People have a right to challenge a decision that has been made about them. First make sure that the person fully understands what has been decided and by whom and what will happen making sure they fully understand what affect it will have on them. If the person doses not agree with this decision I would advise them on what steps to take to complain. Outcome 6 Be able to promote individuals well-being 6.1 Explain the links between identity, self image and self esteem Self image is the way we look at ourselves – Fat, thin, smart, untidy Self-esteem is about having confidence in ourselves Identity, self-image, self-esteem are all closely linked good self-esteem means a positive out look on life with good self imagine and good confidence in ourselves, having goals which are realistic to obtain. Someone who has low self-esteem will struggle with their sense of identity. Our identity, self-esteem and self-image are influenced by family up bring our friends, life experiences and feed back we get from others. Someone who was abused as a child will grow up with very little self-image can lead to behaviour pattern which leads to self destruct. Having a good level of education, a job involved in a relationship increases someone’s self value. 6.2 Analyse factors that contribute to the well being of individuals A lack of self-worth will lower motivation and reduce the person’s ability to full fill their potential. Always praise the person no matter how small their achievement is as this will improve their confidence and promote their self-worth. Approach everything with a positive aptitude, encourage them, listen to them be non judgemental show understanding and consideration this will boost the persons well being. Outcome 7 Understand the role of the risk assessment in enabling a person centred approach Risk assessments are used for various reasons. They can be used to assess the risk of the environment, risk of the action, risk to the client or member so staff, risk of a new piece of equipment, risk of dangers to others. Risks are a part of daily living for everyone it is part of the job to  minimise the risk to the client and to ourselves, this is why risk assements are carried out and revised regularly. Clients change they go down hill therefore the risks are constantly changing they become greater to the client and the carer so more actions need to be t to take implemented to protect the client and the carer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Essence of Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Essence of Writing - Assignment Example 1. The first tip of Roberts is that the writer should discard all the obvious ideas and content that comes to his mind in the initial stages of brainstorming. The obvious ideas are common to everyone and will not make any unique statement. Hence, to get fresh and revolutionary ideas that are different from others, the writer should build the paper based on those ideas that are hidden under the obvious ideas. 2. The second way to impress the reader is by taking the unusual side in the argument. By taking the side which will be avoided by most people, the content will have the touch of ‘unexpected’ element. The uniqueness will grab the attention of the reader and will keep him hooked. 3. The third tip pieces of advice to make the writing clear, illustrative and concrete, in order to make the reader actually feel the scenario which is being discussed in the paper. The abstraction does not create the magic and impact which the concrete and descriptive writing create. Hence, giving examples, real or imaginary, while making your point, gives a life to the argument and makes it convincing. 4. The author says that even if the writer has only a few points to discuss, he should not fill the paper with useless words. Instead, he should get into the details of those few points and fill the required word limit with the help of illustration and details of the points. This might make the content short, but it will have power. 5. The fifth tip is to be courageous and bold enough to express whatever one wants to express without wasting the words in beating around the bush. The writer should avoid using unnecessary words to hide his critical language or bluntness. 7. To make the content interesting, gripping and lively, the writer should use the words which makes the reader to ‘feel’ the content.However, these words, known as ‘colorful words,’ should be used according to the trend of the time 8.  The writer should be prudent while using the words which have mental associations. These words, known as coloured words, have great power to recreate the feelings that are associated with these words.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Analytical essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Analytical - Essay Example I joined the job as a volunteer in [...]. As I was eager to meet new people, I welcomed the job as a positive influence in my life. While some of my co-workers complained about their work hours and wages, I was just too glad and grateful to mind these minor hiccups. Working gave me a sense of independence. As an employed person I had more responsibility, I could take greater initiative and in an individual capacity, rather than a member of my family or community, as was the case before. There is an immense sense of self-worth and satisfaction that comes with being entrusted with work and I took too this responsibility with a lot of seriousness. Apart from my feelings of self-worth, which improved greatly because of my work, the job benefitted me in other ways. I was suddenly meeting people of all ages and backgrounds who were either suffering themselves or who had family members who were in pain. This exposure to the greater human condition allowed to me to feel for and extend compassion to people who were different from me. I believe that this exposure at my job was crucial in making me the more broad-minded person that I am today. From a practical perspective, working in something as complex as the pharmaceutical industry helped me understand how big corporations and the professional world worked. The job knowledge I gained in the specific field of pharmaceuticals was not the only thing I learned. I grew more aware about how various organisations and authorities worked in our society. This led to a redefining of my ethics. Earlier, I was not very aware of the ills of the pharmaceutical industry, or any other industry in fact. However, because of my insider’s position, I could now see the various drawbacks of big corporations and the frequent malpractices that harmed common individuals. My complete faith in hospitals, the government, and a greater moral order in general were questioned. In

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of Research Paper

Should capital punishment be suspended because of the chance of executing an innocent person - Research Paper Example Abolition is becoming the norm and those who advocate for the death penalty face important challenges in the 21st century. For example, the United Nations and the European Union (EU) recently debated the legitimacy of the death penalty and world opinion is moving towards its abolition. The European Union, through its Charter of Fundamental Rights, has led the way and successfully banned the death penalty in all of its member states. Thus, if a country wishes to become a member of the EU and has the death penalty as a punishment on the books, that will need be overruled for the death penalty to become a member. This is just an example of how the tide is turning against advocates of the death penalty in the 21st century. Seeking to explore capital punishment and ask whether or not it is a good thing, the following will explore the deterrence argument for the death penalty and persuasively argue that the death penalty is not a good thing and should be banned. Furthermore, this paper wil l argue that lethal injection runs contrary to the prohibition against â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment† and because the consequences of the death penalty are irreversible, it should be abolished worldwide (The Death Penalty Information Centre 2009; Hood 3). From an ethical standpoint, advocates of the death penalty argue that the death penalty serves to deter criminals and thus is effective in preventing crime. According to the well-respect British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the consensus among researchers in the field is that the deterrent aspect of the death penalty has yet to be proven. Furthermore, a survey on the subject was undertaken by the United Nations (UN) in an attempt to look at the relationship between the death penalty and homicide rates. According to this published analysis, the United Nations concluded that â€Å"research has failed to

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Goals of the U. S. Defence Department Network Essay

The Goals of the U. S. Defence Department Network - Essay Example The telegraph, radio, and telephone, which were the most commonly used medium of communication the past have been shadowed by the internet. The popularity of the internet has increased so much that it has become a worldwide network that has the capabilities to connect individuals via mobile/computer/smartphones/etc., irrespective of geographic constraints (Odlyzko, 2000, pp.31-56). The growth of internet can be attributed five major factors namely, technology, social, political, academic and commercial.  The Internet has evolved into a widespread information infrastructure but if one traces back its history it will be revealed that its origin is very controversial and complicated. Further, there are many factors that contributed its growth over the years including political, technology, academic, social and commercial. The objective of this study is to critically evaluate the factors that contributed to the growth of internet that consequently led to the development of e-commerce a s a new business practice. In the late 1950s, ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) was formed in the United States whose primary aims was to develop technologies that could endure any nuclear attack. A meeting between the private sector contractors, ARPA university with the representatives of US DOD (Department of Defence) in the year 1967 determined the possible protocols to be used when information exchange would take place via computers. This lead to the development of ARPANET in the year 1969. This network initially connected four sites – Stanford Research Institute, the University of California (in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara), and University of Utah. Most of the 70’s were dedicated by researchers to the development of protocols for moving messages across the system of networks, controlling network connections and also allowing remote access to networks.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Food and your personal interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food and your personal interest - Essay Example The alternative food movement firstly focuses on the freshness and purity of the farm products which is far superior to what we buy from the counters at the supermarkets. These products are not only safe but also come at prices that are lower than the market since no third party is in between the transaction. Organic pesticides are usage of natural pesticides such as herbs or trees which have some insect repellant properties.Next, there is also increased usage of bio-fertilizers and organic pesticides which are also known as green pesticides. These natural products can be used to render protection to the plants and are derived from natural substances. These pesticides unlike the chemical and synthetic fertilizers do not harm the soil or have any effect on the food products that are being produced in the fields. These fertilizers are made from biofriendly substances with natural procedures. The growing interest of good food, safe food, interest in healthy and fresh food and scientific endeavor in all this has successfully sparked my interest in the subject area since gardening has always been my passion. In today’s times when biological sciences is filled with new innovations and technological advancements with the help of genetic engineering and biotechnological advancements, organic methods provides us a sense of being far from the artificial world. Genetic modification and genetically modified crops are being introduced in the market shelves and this has not been accepted by many since many of us prefer nature over science. Yes, scientific advancement is necessary but where there is a choice like organic farming and naturally produced fresh food, the latter is preferred. Organic food particularly is something that I am very much interested in not only for the reason that it tastes much better than food grown for consumerism but also because they are safe for us as well as our surroundings. The methodologies employed in the procedure are ecosystem frien dly, highly adaptable and helps preserve biodiversity as well. I would love to take this innovation forward and spread it in the communities who can thereby have access to these farm fresh products and enjoy them straight from the farm without bearing extra costs or worrying about the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managing people and developing, leading team Essay

Managing people and developing, leading team - Essay Example I am a member of the Libyan students’ society in Leicester; I was involved in a social program that was working with young Libyan people. The organizations involved in coordinating the social program were Libyan Red Crescent and some civil society organizations. The main objective of working with the civil society was to carry out charity works and equip community members with assertive skills with respect to observance of civil rights. Working with young Libyan people was both fun and challenging at the same time because of the stubborn nature of young men when they grow up. This program offered a platform to sharpen my skills, as they will be needed during the next visit. It was crucial that we avoid past mistakes and use new techniques. I worked with young Libyan people in Libyan secondary school in Leicester and Taiba mosque near Libyan school. The project was organized based on the presumption that most young people need some motivations to navigate life and still lead he althy lives. The charity programs helped to reduce the desperation of the locals who were faced with a high rate of unemployment. I applied my aesthetic skills in helping restore the dignity of girls who have been victims of rape and other abuses. There were a lot of activities that indulged young Libyan people, for example, participating in lectures about first aid, playing football, visiting interesting places and others. In order to accomplish the project’s objectives, there was need to partition ourselves into various teams and use the teams as a means of getting to the end. We organized ourselves into strategic teams, which were headed by my fellow colleagues. There was a need to identify common values, goals, and objectives. This was crucial in the management of conflicting interests and desires. The boys were teenagers in their early and late teens, and had a lot of enthusiasm for fun games. Our aim was to use the principles

Conduct an external environment analysis for a company (sainsburys) of Essay

Conduct an external environment analysis for a company (sainsburys) of your choice assessing the impact of the external environm - Essay Example Sainsbury’s is a leading retail chain in the UK with interests in banking and financial services is the third largest in the country. The family owned business had grown to become the largest grocery retailer in the UK and pioneers in self-service supermarkets. The company listed in the London Stock Exchange has a very large family of shareholders, and it is a constituent of FTSE 100. After a brief downfall, the company has reemerged with greater vigor in the new millennium. BBC news (2001) stated â€Å"The figures represented the third quarter in a row of sales growth "significantly better" than in 2000†¦ Sir Peter, credited with revitalizing the Prudential in the mid-1990s, has been working the same trick at Sainsbury's after replacing Dino Adriano as chief executive early last year†. External environment and HR Policies and Practice There are several tools and concepts for the analysis of the external environment in relation to a company. ... with regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental protection, ethical and demographic factors are increasingly relevant in the macro environmental analysis. Apart from the shareholders, there are number of stakeholders in a company which includes community as well as it provides necessary infrastructure and human capital for an organisation. Moreover, it is important to note that an organisation is also a part of the community. The analysis of Sainsbury’s is made with the theoretical background of PESTLE in this paper. The human resources policies and practice need to take into account the important points with reference to the external environment discussed under PESTLE analysis discussed, for exploiting the opportunities available and to avoid the threats from the external environment. PESTLE Analysis PESTLE analysis covers the macro environmental factors, and an organization's internal environment, strengths or weaknesses are not covered in this analysis. Morris & Jones (1995, p. 73) observed â€Å"To the extent that firms are adjusting their HRM practices to reflect turbulence in the environment, it would seem the HRM function is in fact becoming a more strategic function†. Therefore, the HR policies and practices are not restricted to ‘personnel’, but refer to the strategic role of HRM in the business for its sustainable development. Political   Increase in food prices, partly due to government policy to encourage bio fuels in various countries which has brought down the area under cultivation of food crops, is a cause for concern to the consumers and the industry. The allegation of price fixing is a serious impediment to the growth. Poulter (2008) stated â€Å"Supermarkets and big brands could face fines of more than ?300million after claims

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Art History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art History - Assignment Example In the piece On Abjection, the author delves into the limits a human being can sink to in order to ensure survival, as undoubtedly noted at Auschwitz. Is it the complete absence of ego or the antithesis of narcissism, he argues or just the reverse? (Anon,14). In La Frontera, Gloria Anzuldua laments the Anglicization of the Spanish language and says that it is tantamount to losing Chicano or Latino identity in the USA, although the Latin American population is fast growing into the nation’s largest ethnic community (Anzuldua, 87). In The System Shattered and Renewed, the author comments that dirt is reviled in most religious rituals, while water purifies (Douglas, 160). In all these articles, the agent that could cause disruption for the rest of the community is told to stay away from it till he or she is healed or the element causing the danger to purity has passed or faded away. Even in an enlightened society like the USA, we rightly consider abuse of power or proof of corrup tion or scandal as disastrous to the career of a politician or indeed, any public figure. It is for this reason (the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals) that Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton had to resign from the highest office in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Apple Inc. in 2012 Essay Example for Free

Apple Inc. in 2012 Essay Introduction: Apple Inc. initially started as ‘Apple Computers’ and was mainly known as a computer company with its devices known as ‘Macintosh’. With a few years down the road, it was transformed into a ‘mobile devices company’ and major contribution in this regard was by non-other than Steve Jobs. He revolutionized many industries and paved a way for a more technology-oriented future at Apple. Background:The recently deceased CEO of Apple Steve Jobs was considered to be the most influential and innovative  person in the technology industry for the past decade or so. It was assumed that after his demise Apple as a company would fail to be at its best and would lose way in this battle of technology giants which includes Google, Samsung, HTC, just to name a few. But recent products and market share has proven otherwise that Tim Cook is doing a fine enough job and it is more of an image or brand which is what Apple is and as long as their product line shows consistency, consumers will buy them no matter who is in charge. The tool that will be used for writing this case will be based on SWOT analysis. Starting with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and finally threats. A concept known as ‘blue ocean strategy’ will also be implemented and defined how it played a role in the success of Apple and making it what it is today. SWOT Analysis: It starts by taking a look at all the angles of a company and then working on those angles to perfect any issues that appear during ‘evaluation’ phase. Strengths:Apple being a ‘brand’ was highly successful and quickly became a status symbol for many who used to buy Apple products (Anon 2013). Marketing was its strongest point and also an area, which had to be because if they were to penetrate a global market where many individual competitors were already acting it was important for Apple to do so. Design, being a brand is not easy and Apple made sure its products were uniquely identifiable as well as easy to use, even for a first time user. Jony Ive who is the head of design at Apple is famous for his distinct product designs and quality. Factors reduced below the industry standard: These are the ones, which are not used regularly and can be put on a back burner to make room for new features. For e.g. setting a design language and focusing on improving that over the years rather than changing it every year. Bigger profit margins, this was possible due to high sale price and also the customer was loyal and was willing to pay more for Apple products. Factors that industry has taken for granted: In Macs, Apple has removed all those features which were not used by consumers and were considered to be obsolete such as firewire ports and have added more advanced one such as thunderbolt and HDMI under its pro line of books. Weaknesses: Developing an ecosystem was a good thing but it had its side effects too. As alternative products were available at low costs, it was difficult to retain a new customer for a long term as sticking to the Apple ecosystem was costly. Incompatibility (Anon 2013) was partially killed in Macs when Apple switched  to Intel chips but due to running its own OS and proprietary set of core applications, many high-end apps that developers or professionals used were missing and were only available on Windows OS. After Jobs demise, a few leading management executives left Apple and it was perceived as a setback for the company. Steve was ruthless in his approach but kept everyone together. Though Apple makes its own devices but the hardware used in many iPhones and iPads is purchased as raw products from Samsung, which is its biggest competitor. Opportunities:After stepping into the mobile phone industry, Apple changed the way people communicated and it ushered a new era for hand held devices. This includes applications that could be installed on a smartphone and one could use it as a ‘minicomputer’ while working on the go. As far as an ecosystem of the company is concerned, Apple made full use of its pioneering into the smartphone business by launching an App Store which was the hub for all things mobile, which later on included the iPad. Factors raised well above the industry standard: Product designs are key to Apple’s success and have been improved significantly by adopting uni-body designs and utilizing this approach for a more firm and sturdy product. Factors which industry has never offered: Invention of an iPad is one such example where a whole new category has been created to consume media and be productive while being portable too. iPad was a revolutionized product of its own as its created a whole new industry and category for people to create and consume media, productivity or just casual use. An advantage which iPad enjoyed as being a new product was the ability to run those same apps available for an iPhone. Further down the line, as companies are trying to penetrate different sectors of a market, Apple can do so by entering a television business as well as wristwatches (Anon 2013). Samsung and Motorola among many others have already released a few watches but with Apples engineering skills and design elements, one can argue just how well this opportunity will be for Apple to exploit and use it to their own advantage. Threats: Competitors are catching up to Apple and Android OS is its biggest rival in smartphone/tablet business. With such rapid change in technology, it is not easy to sustain unless you keep on innovating. Android being an open source operating system has more market share and more market area covered as compared to Apple. It is cheap for a manufacturer to produce and android device than it is for Apple to bring its top class product in  such markets. Size also matters for many consumers as Samsung, HTC, LG and many more have re-defined smartphone screen sizes and Apple is playing catch up in that area. In countries such as India, Malaysia, Singapore, there are many alternatives and they are low cost as they use slightly low end hardware but deliver same set of features which high end manufactures do. As said before, Samsung controls the pricing for silicon and display provided to Apple, it puts them at an advantage and can hinder the manufacturing process for many devices. Businesses should focus less on their competitors and more on alternatives as people try to find low cost alternatives for buying products and companies should also focus on creating new customers (Anon n.d.). Conclusion:It is to be believed that Apple has taken the market by storm and others are to slow to react but with time it all changes as competitors catch up and are innovating in areas where Apple still has to step a foot in, this makes Apple and its rivals kept on their toes and are innovating day by day to progress and outperform each other. Samsung and Google dominate areas, such as wristwatches and eyewear, respectively. Only time will tell how good and how long can one thrive and succeed in this battle of technology giants. Recommendations:For Apple to succeed it is important for them to invest in wearable as this is going to be the next big thing in the technological invention. While on the other hand, Samsung should also work on their smartphone designs as they lack class but are full of features. This takes a huge chunk out of a market, which purely buys products on design and looks such as iPhone or even more recently the HTC one series. References BIBLIOGRAPHY SWOT Analysis of Apple. (2013). Retrieved September 6, 2014, from Whar is Blue Ocean Strategy? (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2014, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

To improve a manual system

To improve a manual system Introduction Our project is to improve a manual system to an automated system, so we selected a local bookshop which had limited number of functions so its going to be easier for our project. The scope of the project is to analyze the need for a bookshop system, and to find advantages to formulate an effective computerized bookshop system that will eliminate the existing problems. In this process of analyzing, information were obtained from the staff as well as the customers Proposed system is expected to have simplified Bookshop system that will eliminate the difficulties and disadvantages of not having a system. The system is also expected to satisfy both the customers as well as the staff members in having efficient and effective Bookshop System. Systems Request Summery The Manager of the Book Shop requested us to design and implement an automated IT system to replace their current manual system. He wanted a very effective and efficient system which they expect more profits from this investment to the IT system. He wanted a system which is really user friendly because he didnt want the staff members to be unhappy with working in the new system. Findings As we visited the Book Shop and spoke with the staff members and the customers we found out the followings as main points for the design and what they expect us to do; Most of the staff members had a normal knowledge of computing. Staff has a fear that they might not be combatable with the new IT system. Customers have to wait long to search for books and billing. Recommendations We recommend the shop to have a complex system which will cover all the areas but the simple user interface so that any user can use the system easily. Use barcode system for the book. There for the customers wating time can be reduse. Keep a backup data of the users daily. In case of some thing happen to the system. Use camers in side the library. If some users doing damages to propety esily can identified. Create a Computer area for the users. To acess to the internet and to search the books. Time and Cost Estimation As we estimated the total program will take around 75 days to be developed. We are planning to finish the project within 72 days, but we kept 5 days extra incase of emergency. As the book shop isnt a company which is not gaining huge profits they wanted us to stick to a smaller budget. After our main analysis we decided to complete the project for 385,000 LKR. Expected outcomes By using automated system we hope to overcome these disadvantages of the manual system. In manual system all the things in the system have to do manually. So it causes to make lot of mistakes. Then using automated system we cam over come these things. Using automated system make this advantages to the system. Can keep full information about whole sellers who providing books and stationery items. In the manual system we have to keep information about whole sellers in books or some times that are not wrote some where and keep that in mind of the owner/manager. Then they forget or loosing papers, however they lost information about whole sale vendors. And other thing is all the vendors are not giving items at same prize. Some are cheaper than others. So buying cheep items can make more profit. With large number of whole sale vendors, it hard to compare and choose vendor to buy items for sale. In automated system it is easy because all the information of whole sale vendors is in one place and analyst it briefly. Not only the price but also we have to care about quality of items. Other wise if our customers not satisfy with goods our sales will do down. So we have to care about quality also. In this system can keep history of whole sale vendors can we can build confidence about goods they give to us. And if we have recode of who is the vendor provide each item if we feel something wrong while selling that we can change or complain about that. From that we can keep confidence between us and costumers. Can keep information about stock. When selling items it must to have enough stocks. If it doesnt has cant continuing selling process. And if doesnt have the item what customer want confidence between customer and shop will break. Then keeping stock details are the best way to avoid these disadvantages. And currently they are replacing lot of items once at a month. Then some are finished sooner some are not finish in that month, so that method is not very good. And it need more space for stock. By using a automated system it is easy to keep stock details. Manager can see easily what item is getting finish and he can replace it. Then space needed will be less. Keeping stock space less will allow the manager to add more stock when he needs according to the type of goods. Can keep reservations. If customer needs to reserve book it can reserve on the system then it can keep on stork till customer buy it. It helps to enhance confident of the customer. On the system it is vary easy to do it. Can keep information about customers. Customers are the main thin. Then keeping customers information is vary important. In manual system doesnt have method to keep customers information. When give special gift or discount to customers it is vary use full. Help to observe sales. Observing sales is useful to control businesses. Like controlling stocks, getting people to work, investing more for each item etc.

The Historical Background Of Virgin Atlantic

The Historical Background Of Virgin Atlantic The importance of Tourism and hospitality industry can never be over-emphasized in the development and growth of many nations in the world. As a result of the advancement in technology and globalisation, tourism and hospitality industry serve as a vital driver of job creation as well as being the main source of income for many developed and the less developed countries. Due to the pivotal role of this industry in the creation of wealth for nations, several companies as well as international organisations devise efficient and cost effective operational management methods in order to maximise their profits. A key industry that propel tourism and enables tourism and hospitality industry to its present global height is the aviation industry, which not only transport people from one place to the other, but ensures that places that were deemed unreachable can be discovered, thereby creating wealth for organisations as well as enhancing the geographical prominence of countries in the league of nations. Virgin Atlantic, the second largest commercial airline in the United Kingdom play an active role in the tourism and hospitality business by ensuring that it provide cost effective and innovative services to its various clients. As a result of keen competition in the aviation industry, Virgin Atlantic is renowned to be one of the pioneers of in-flight entertainment as well introducing a premium economy class services for its customers that can not afford to travel on an upper class but still wants to benefit and enjoy some of the privileges of the upper class clients. The global economic recession as well as the harsh business climate has made it imperative for companies to re-evaluate their business models and device strategies to cope with the ever changing macro and micro environmental factors that affect the company. These are made possible by the analysis of the companys Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) it faces while operating in relation to their competitors. Despite the advancement in technology, the three core functions of any organisation i.e. marketing, product and service development, and operation are well guided in order satisfy the ever increasing customer demands. To do these, most organisations align their operation management strategies to the changes in the external and internal forces that affect their operational model. Kim and Olsen (1993) corroborated this by advocating that a balanced approach must be used to monitor the events that occur in the external domain and assessing the potential impact on business and unit level operations. Organisations must focus on their strengths in order to deal with the wide range of external factors in creating opportunities for themselves. On these basis, the identification of the external and internal operational management methods are clearly identified as a tool in increasing productivity ,customer satisfaction as well as promoting their products to their target audience. STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM In every research, there are various problems that are identifiable, but for the purpose of this research, the following questions need investigation. What operational method can organisation adopt? What is the significance of operational management to an organisation? Should organisations in the hospitality industry adopt similar or different operational management? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of this research can be summarised as follow; 1. To analyse the operation management of Virgin Atlantic in relation to tourism and hospitality. 2. Establish the impact of internal and external factors that affects Virgin Atlantic operations. 3. How company formulate and adopt strategy. 4. Identifying the strengths and weakness of Virgin Atlantic 5. How the company measures service quality and improvement. 6. To established the best operational management methods for productivity and promotion. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study is of great importance because it underlines the understanding of the operation management of Virgin Atlantic which is one of the pioneers in innovation in the tourism and aviation industry. The research highlights the various approaches used by Virgin Atlantic in their daily operations and how it has been able to remain a viable and competitive company LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Due to time constraint, it was not possible to do a comparative study of the operation management of Virgin Atlantic in relation to other organisations in the aviation industry in relation to hospitality management. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF VIRGIN ATLANTIC Summary Virgin Atlantic is the second largest commercial airline in the United Kingdom that starts operation in 1984.It is headquartered in Crawley near Gatwick airport and owned by Sir Richard Branson (51%) and Singapore Airlines (49%).The airline operates between the United Kingdom and North America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia from its bases at Gatwick Airport and London Heathrow Airport, using a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing wide-bodied jets (web 1). Almost uniquely among major airlines, it operates no short-haul services whatsoever, with its shortest route being from London to Accra (web 2).It offers three classes of travel: Upper, Premium Economy and Economy classes which all bears the hallmark of Virgins award winning inflight entertainment and based on airlines aims of provision of innovative service at excellent value for money for all classes of air travellers (web 3). Birth and Formation Virgin Atlantic was conceived as result of an idea from Randolph Fields who wanted to be operating flights from London to the Falklands islands after the Falkland war. But due to Logistic and operational cost, the Falklands operation was aborted and an alternative arrangement to have flights operating from London to the United States was agreed upon. Randolph Fields proposed his idea of flights operations to Richard Branson at a party in Central and he agreed to be a partner in the flight business with 25% stake going to Randolph Fields and 75% to Richard Branson (Web 4). Like all Richard Branson businesses, he approaches the partnership as a venture that must succeed within a year or he exits the partnership. The airline was an instant hit in its first year and it was able to lease more planes in the second and subsequent years. Richard Branson eventually bought out Randolph Fields stake in the business in 1997 after disagreement over operations of the airline. After its maiden flight to Newark in the United States on its leased Boeing 747 in 1984, the airline had acquired more aeroplanes to cover different routes and destinations ranging from Tokyo, Boston, Los Angeles, Rolando etc. Despite the apparent success and popularity of the airline, the company faced financial problems in the 1990s due to the recession, the Gulf War and the subsequent collapse of International Leisure Group (ILG), there was need to save Virgin Atlantic from collapse and involves the abolition of the Traffic Distribution Rules (TDRs) which was meant to create equal distribution air traffic between Heathrow and Gatwick airports in order assist Gatwick airport to make profit. The TDRs rule stated that airlines that do not operate international flights from Heathrow airport prior to 1977 would not be permitted operations there, but will instead be using Gatwick airport. The abolition of the rule made it possible for airlines to commence operational flights from Heathrow. This subsequently paved way for Virgin Atlantic to begin operations at Heathrow airport despite opposition from British airways who was the largest operator then. As a result of this move, Virgin Atlantic was able to increase its long-haul flights and survived the recession in the economy. In order to consolidates its position and expand its flight operations, Virgin Group the parent company of Virgin Atlantic, sold 49% stake of the airline to Singapore airlines in year 2000, while Richard Branson retains 51% stake of the airline. This increased the value of the airline  £1.25 billion thereby making it one of the biggest private operated airline in world (Web 5). Rivalry with Competitors The movement of Virgin Atlantic operations to Heathrow signal a rivalry between the airline and British Airways. Amongst the rivalry between both airlines was the famous libel fine of  £500,000 and  £110,000 in 1993,that was awarded out of court to Richard Branson and Virgin Atlantic as well as  £3million court charge against British Airways for its dirty tricks campaign on Richard Branson and his airline (Web 6).Subsequently in June 2006, and British Airways was fined  £271 million as a result of a tip-off from Virgin Atlantic after investigation by the US and the British office of fair trading for alleged price-fixing between both airlines (Web 7) . Agreement and Co-operation with Other Airlines Despite Virgin Atlantic fierce rivalry with British Airways, the airline do partners and codeshare agreements with other airline in the world namely; South Africa Airways, Air China, Cyprus Airways, Flybe, Gulf Air, Scandinavian Airlines, US Airways, Malaysian Airways etc. in order to spread its reach across the world (Web 8)(Web 9). Service and Innovation Virgin Atlantic has been a pioneer in services and innovation in the aviation industry through its introduction various services and technology that are used to distinguish itself from other airlines in the in Industry. It operates three-classes (Economy, Premium Economy and Upper Class) of travel in order to cater for the needs of its passengers. The Economy class is the standard class and it provide among other facilities such as free meals, drinks and lumbar support for its passengers. The Premium Economy class provide clients with a wider seat having more leg room, priority boarding as well as separate check in area from the economy class passengers (Web 10). The Upper Class provide the passengers with first class services ranging from larger menu and in-flight bar. It is also equipped with the biggest fully fitted flatbed compared to any other airline business class services. Virgin Atlantic airplanes also are equipped with the state of the art In- flight entertainment system, that provide entertainment to all its passengers in order to ensure that they have a memorable time while flying the airline and maintain their loyalty them. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW The aim of any service business organization is to create goods and services that are of high quality, quantity and cost efficient in order to satisfy the consumers needs. This can be achieved by ensuring that detailed attention is devoted in the planning and control of day today running of the business, design of products and creating a competent processes for employees to work. Operation management covers all these essential functions from the top level management to the immediate control of operations in the business. Operations management according to Nigel Slack et al. (2010) is defined as the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver products and services. This system of management relates to the function of any organization responsible for the design, planning and control of resources for the provision of goods and services (David R.B and Paul L.F, 2010). Operation Management Model Source: Operations Management, 6th edition, Nigel Slack et al (2010, p.25) The Evolution of Operation Managements The history of Operations management can be traced to different projects in the development of human history from the construction of Egyptian pyramid to the building of the Great Wall of China and the industrial revolution that began in England in the 18th century. Before the industrial revolution, production of goods and services are made through custom made products. But as machines were invented, there was an increase in the factory system thereby leading to the specialization of labour as proclaimed by Adam Smith in 1776 in The Wealth of Nations which emphasize the benefit of breaking down production activities to smaller parts and assigned to individual worker through the manufacturing process. This ensures an increase in the production of goods and services through specialization as opposed to the cottage system of manufacturing for individual needs of the consumer. By the mid 19 century, most cottage industries were being replaced by factories which expanded to urban workforce with effective communication thereby paving way for the great output explosion of the 20 century (David R.B and Paul L.F, 2010). A number of techniques were later introduced during this period among which is the scientific management principle developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) (Taylor, 1911), that was used for the creation factory Ford Rouge plant in which mechanized assembly lines, specialized labour,mass production and interchangeable parts were featured. But with the major studies in the relationship between output production and human motivation by Maslow (1943) and Herzberg (1966), the essence of developing a social as well as a technical system for manufacture processes. The growth in the Asian economic coupled with new manufacturing processes such as Just-in-Time (JIT) principle and Lean Operations in the 1960s brings a different perspective to quality and design management thereby making businesses to improve on their product delivery. Wickham. S (1985) and Terry (1985) also emphasized this in their studies by recognizing that the view that techniques and systems are not the most important part of operation management but taking a more balanced strategic view of management operations. As a result business competitiveness depends not only on low level, limited impact system of operation but on a broader management operational view (David R.B and Paul L.F, 2010). CHAPTER 3 MACRO AND MICRO ANALYSIS OF VIRGIN ATLANTIC The operation of every business is affected by several internal and external factors which determine the growth and survival of a business organisation. These factors can analysed by looking at the environment in which a business operates otherwise called Environmental Scanning or Macro environment. Macro environment refers to the clients, markets, industries and competitors which an organization interact with during their business operations. These factors are outside the control of an organisation and indirectly affect its activities. Kroon (1995) defined environmental scanning as the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social and technological events and trends which influence a business, an industry or even a total market. Based on this definition, Macro environment can be analysed by six factors or segmentation called PESTEL which is Political.Economical, Social, Technological and Environmental and Legal factors. These are in constant change and organizations must define strategies to meet up with the changes. Holloway (2004) stated that macro business environment is subject to continuous changes and in order for the business to survive, it must learn to adapt to these changes. The Political and Legal factors such as government policies and legislations affect the mode of operation of every business. This factor can encompass political stability and favourable legislations such as tax concessions which encourage and promote the operation of business. Since Virgin Atlantic operate flights to different countries from the United Kingdom, the political environment in which it operates play a long way in the determining its success. The political decision of abolishing the Traffic Distribution Rules enables the airline to expand its operation flights and increase revenue for the company. Furthermore, countries of high political instability in Africa and Asia have a negative impact on the airline because the tourism potential reduces as a result of less people flying to these countries. The Economic factors are significant in determining the operation management of Virgin Atlantic in the hospitality industry. The factors such as inflation rate, recession, spending power, deflation determine the role of Virgin Atlantic in the hospitality industry. The recent recession as well as the euro zone crisis has deeply affected the tourism and hospitality industry with less people travelling on holidays due to job cuts and ,high inflation rate and redundancies have lead a reduction of flights of Virgin Atlantic thereby affecting its profit. Furthermore, deregulation of the airline industry has created an avenue for Virgin Atlantic to reduce to reduce airline fares. Although financially distressed airlines have cut fares to boost operational profit, Virgin Atlantic operates different incentives for their customers such as discount for senior citizens in the society as well as group travellers in order to stay ahead of their competitors. Social and Environmental factors play a great role in the tourism and hospitality industries because the society demands the services that are rendered by the airline industry. Virgin Atlantic strive in is staff recruitment to employ people that care about the customers and provide their best for the customers by bringing their individual personalities to work while having fun at the same time (, 2011).Consequently, as part of its corporate social responsibilities, Virgin Atlantic allows trained pets that accompanied disable people on its flights as well as providing assistance to unaccompanied children to travel. It also offers its customers complementary limousine pick up and provide in-flight beauty treatment for its business economy passengers. The commitment of Virgin Atlantic to reduce its environmental impacts of its operations was highly lauded by the government for introducing biofuel in to some of its aircrafts in order to reduce emissions to the environment. It has also introduces recycling programme on board of all its aircraft as well companys office in order to reduce the amount of waste generated and become a conscious and cost effective organisation(,2011). Technological factors are important in the provision of highly effective and accident free operation in the hospitality industry. Virgin Atlantic Airways believes in the role of technology in improving services and ensuring that safety of its staffs and passengers. It has been able to accomplish this by ensuring that it acquires new technological advanced aircrafts in order to improve the operation management and safety of the airline. Since flying is an highly dangerous operation if effective checks are not carried on airplanes, Virgin Atlantic have engineers that are highly trained have been researching to improve safety and security of airlines. They also introduce technologies in-flight entertainment to entertain the passengers while waiting for arrival as well while travelling on their flights. MICRO ANALYSIS The micro analysis factors influence the operation of any business organisation. These factors directly affect the operation of an organization and can change in order to align with organisation vision and goals. The micro economic factors that affect the operations of Virgin Atlantic in the hospitality business are; Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Competitors and Shareholders. The customers are the main contributor to the survival of any business because they contribute to the revenue in which the business operation is being run. Virgin Atlantic take utmost care in providing a second to known service for its numerous customers, based on the original philosophy of Richard Branson, which is to offer the best possible service to its clients while delivering the best possible value. People also regard Virgin Atlantic as a distinctive, fun-loving and highly innovative brand and one that is admired for its friendliness, intelligence and integrity (, 2011). It also try to retain the patronage of all its customers by operating frequent flyer incentives such as the flying club where points accumulated from previous flights can be redeem later for free flights in the company. The introduction of in-flights entertainments on all is flights is also a ploy to make flying experience with Virgin Atlantic a memorable one. The Virgin Atlantic employees are the assets of the organisation that project the values and culture of the organisation to the outside world. As a result of their importance to the goals and vision of Virgin Atlantic, serious emphases are placed in the recruitment of staffs that care about customers and bring their individual personalities to work in the company. It provide perks for its customers in form of staffs flight discount, excellent retirement benefit as well as good health care entitlement while working for the company. The main suppliers to Virgin Atlantic airlines are Airbus and Boeing; aircraft manufacturers. They play a significant role in the operation of the airline by providing reliable and state of the arts airplanes the company. There are other companies that contribute to the successful operation of the airline such as Fuel companies that supply fuel for the operation of the airplanes, airports staffs that management the successful taking off and landing of the airplanes ,IT companies such as Del,IBM,CSC etc,that provide the hardware and software for the administrative activities of the company. Virgin Atlantic must work harmoniously with all these companies in order to have successful operation management. Since the airline industry is a highly competitive industry different airline devise methods and promotions to lure customers to their airlines. The core competitor of Virgin Atlantic in the United Kingdom is British Airways. There have been several legal as well industrial disputes between both airlines in order to entice customers from each other. Since the reduction in government influence on the aviation industry in the United Kingdom, there have been intense completions between airlines to provide services that are better than its rivals. The core services provided by Virgin Atlantic which differentiate it from competitors are innovative technologies as well cheap and affordable flight tickets in relation to its rivals. The shareholders of any business organisation are the ones that provide the capital for the operation of the business. As a result of this fact, their interest in ensuring that the business runs successfully in order to generate profit is very important. Virgin Atlantic is owned by Richard Branson (51%) and Singapore Airlines (49%) which form a global partnership and increase their operation capital for effective operation and to remain completive in the airline industry. SWOT ANALYSIS All businesses must assess and evaluate their positions in terms of where they are at the present and where want to be in future. In order to do this, the SWOT Analysis is carried out whish focus on the companys Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities as well as Threat it faces in relation to its operation and survival. Strengths The strengths of any organisation are toe positive advantages that it possess in relation to other organisations. The strengths of Virgin Atlantic are; Innovative and comprehensive services: Virgin Atlantic has innovative and comprehensive customer services which are designed to meet the ever increasing needs of their customers. The companys passenger services unit arranges check-in facilities, baggage handling, meal catering, and in-flight entertainment. It also provide work in association with special assistance department unit to provide customers with special travel needs such as mobility aids, special meals, health camps at departures and arrivals (Datamonitor, 2011). Association with Singapore Airline: Virgin Atlantic association with Singapore airlines has been highly beneficial to the customers of both airlines which enable them to book their flights through both companies. This association also enables virgin Atlantic to tap into the highly lucrative Asian countries thereby increasing revenue for the company as well as better services for the staffs and customers. Weakness Small Size: The apparent small size of Virgin Atlantic in relation to other big players in the aviation industry makes it difficult to compete fairly in the aviation industry. British Airways and Air France operates flights to about 300 and 244 destinations in the world in comparison to Virgin Atlantic that operates to just 30 destinations in the world. Virgin Atlantic also 38 aircrafts compared to the British airways and Air France with 238 and 558 respectively which also limit their competitiveness. Price Fixing Allegations: The Office for fair Trading (OFT) found Virgin Atlantic and Cathay Pacific guilty of price fixing allegations after a three-year investigation. They were fixing the price for flights between London to Hong Kong route and were likely to face a severe penalty of about  £250 million. Allegations of this type of nature can severely dent brand image and make customers to lose faith in the company for providing competitive price for its services. Opportunities Increase in the Global Freight sector: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasted that aviation will handle 38 million tonnes of air cargo in 2014, up 12.5 million tonnes from the 26 million tonnes carried in 2009. International freight volumes are expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% over the forecast period (Data monitor, 2011).As a result of this promising forecast from IATA, which most of the activities occurring in the Asia pacific routes, Virgin Atlantic will benefit significantly through its association with Singapore Airline. Positive outlook of the Airline market: As a result of the Olympics coming up in the United Kingdom next year, Virgin Atlantic will benefit immensely in the transportation of tourist as well as other participant to the United Kingdom for the games. This will increase the revenue for the company as a result of the prominent position it plays in the United Kingdom aviation industry. Threats Price Discounting from Competitors: The ever increasing discount pricing in the domestic market by close competitors a such as BMI, Ryan Air, British Airways, Air France etc., has made it increasingly difficult made for Virgin Atlantic to have stable pricing structure thereby making it extremely difficult for the domestic operations to be profitable. Consequently, the increase in the size of airlines route system have significantly increase the competition between airlines thereby affecting the profitability as well as impacting on their operations. Natural Disaster: The Volcanic eruption of Mount Eyjafjallajà ¶kul in 2010, created a huge dent in the operation of Virgin Atlantic. The ash from the volcanic eruption disrupts air travel operations across Europe, with flight being grounded several European countries such as United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. It was estimated that airlines during this period lost hundreds of millions of pounds due to flights cancellation caused by the volcanic ash. This situation severely affected the operation management of Virgin Atlantic profit. European Union (EU) Regulation: In 2005, an EU regulation came into effect for compensating passengers with valid ticket but which were denied boarding an airplane irrespective of the situation. This law also imposes fixed compensation to passengers for cancelled flights except if the airline can prove that such cancellation is caused by extraordinary circumstances, such as weather, air-traffic control delays or safety issues (Datamonitor, 2011).Subsequently, this law makes it to the prerogative of the airlines to provide meals, drinks, and accommodation as well as telephone calls for customers if delayed overnight. The overall expenses created by this law made impacted on the operational profitability of airlines in which Virgin Atlantic were one of the casualties. Jet Fuel Cost: Since the airline operation depend on the jet fuel, the instability the fuel prices has significantly affected the operations of Virgin Atlantic. The volatile price of jet fuel exacerbated by the political uprising in the Middle East has impacted on the profitability of margin of Virgin Atlantic in its operations as result of high cost of buying the fuel for the aircrafts. CHAPTER FOUR CURRENTAND FUTURE OBJECTIVE OF THE ORGANISATION After the SWOT analyses of Virgin Atlantic, it is imperative to take a deeper look into the current objective of the company in relation to its future plans. The current objective of any organization must align with its vision which is reflected in the organisations mission statement. The mission statement of Virgin Atlantic is To grow a profitable airline, that people love to fly and where people love to work (, 2012). As result of this statement, the operation management of the organisation was designed to cater for the needs of its customers by providing the best service while delivering it in the best possible values. It also ensures that its workers not only work for the organisation but derive enormous pride, fun and sense of well-being in the course of their services to the clients. Furthermore, in-line with socially and corporate responsibility of Virgin Atlantic, introduced a wide range of environmental initiative that are meant to reduce the amount of waste generated in the company. These initiatives involves the recycling of all waste such as plastic glasses, vending cups, papers aluminum cans which are collected and recycled in order to raise money for the various charity organisations the company supports. Virgin Atlantic is also a trail blazer in the technological innovation by volunteering one of its Boeings 747 for the test of bio-fuels in operating airlines with the hope of reducing the dependency of airlines on jet fuel. As a result of the initiative, the company intends to use biofuels composed of algae as a part supplement to the jet fuel in its flight operations (Airline in first biofuel flight, 2008). The future objective of Virgin Atlantic is to seek ways in order to be competitive in the United Kingdom aviation after the tie-up agreement between British Airways and American Airlines (Sir Richard Branson begins strategic review of Virgin Atlantic, 2011).As a result of this, the company appointed Goldman Sachs to advise them about the potential approach from Air France-KLM and Delta Air Lines in order to re-align its business for future challenges (Virgin Atlantic Airways, 2011). CHAPTER 5 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES According to Baines (2008), marketing strategy serves as the basic plan and template in which an organisation commences its operations in order to achieve its goals. The essence of marketing and communication objectives of any organisation enables it to differentiate its products and services from other related organisations. Marketing and communication strategy enables Virgin Atlantic to analyse its opportunities and target customers which it believe are relevant to short and long term goals as well as the objectives of the organisation. These strategies are achieved through various marketing mix i.e. the price, product, place and promotion which are used to communic

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A day at the cubbies game :: essays research papers

Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago and being a sports fan resulted in one and only true outcome; I am the Chicago Cubs’ biggest fan. True, I am not the only person in the greater Chicagoland area who will claim the title, but I stick to my guns and refuse to relinquish the self-appointed title. Every time I go home, I join the thousands of other self appointed â€Å"biggest fans† in the usual afternoon at Wrigley Field. There is nothing quite like a day at a Cubs game. For me, it’s a fun filled day of drinking watered down beer and eating cheap hot dogs and nachos with the guys. Yes, it may sound rather crude to many but to us, its bliss.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The day usually starts early in the morning, an eight o’clock train into Chicago, with the throbbing pain of a hangover after being out too late the night before catching the game at the local sports bar. After the mochas and lattes have crested over the appropriate sets of lips the whole group perks up with anticipation over the days events. Players’ statistics are discussed, along with the usual hopeful, â€Å"Maybe Derek Lee will hit a grand slam today!† and, as always, Nate and Mike get into it at least once over whether Kerry Wood or Richard Prior is a better starting pitcher. Friendly jabs are exchanged in all directions, and by the time everyone agrees to disagree the train is pulling into Union Station and we’re one step closer to the game.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After catching a taxi, the short ride to the ballpark takes far longer then it should due to the hundreds of cars that are assaulting the Wrigley Field parking lots and attacking the local traffic cops. As the taxi creeps impatiently up the street, edging closer and closer to the unmoving vehicle in front of it, Wrigley Field slowly climbs out of the Chicago skyline. A beautiful thing occurs every time this happens†¦silence! Mike, Nate, Nick, Andrew, and James have all stopped their usual â€Å"guy talk† to take in the glory of our team’s home field. The striking red brick of the building, with bold green ivy lazily climbing it’s walls, and the â€Å"WRIGLEY FIELD, Home of the CHICAGO CUBS† sign screaming out from the front, all receive the deserved moment of silence and respect they demand from all who walk within their walls.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A True Hero Essay -- Definition Hero Heroes Essays Role Model

A True Hero As I read David Halberstam’s ideas in his essay, â€Å"Who We Are† (2004), I started thinking about our nation’s leaders and heroes. September 11th came to my mind and the many firefighters and rescue workers who heroically risked their lives to save complete strangers. Then, I remembered that the media dubbed Jessica Lynch a hero when she came back to the United States. Not only Jessica, but also many other American soldiers fighting abroad are called heroes. I started wondering if their bravery actually makes them true heroes or not. I asked myself, what is a hero? Do people need heroes? Where does the belief that we need heroes come from? This belief has caused us to over apply our use of the word to almost everyone: leaders, firefighters, and even sports figures. Sometimes, those who we title heroes are merely good people in the right place at the right time or are simply doing their jobs. Essentially, we shouldn’t need â€Å"heroes.† Instead, we should seek role models and acknowledge the everyday worker. However, the ultimate search for a hero should be within us. We all have the capacity to embrace our inner strength in order to lead our lives with courage and nobility. I. Archaic Definitions In a US News & World Report special online issue about heroes, Clark (2001) gives several definitions of a hero: [heroes] go above and beyond the call of duty, they champion a good cause, and (my favorite) they serve as a calling to our higher selves. In an online â€Å"Answers† dictionary, hero is defined as â€Å"a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life† (2005). There is a song sung by Bonnie Tyler called â€Å"Holding Out for a Hero† in which a line is: â€Å"I n... ..., from Jordan, R. (1989). The quiet hero. Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press. Ruotolo, L. (1973). Six existential heroes: the politics of faith. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Singh, Manjari-Lu, & Yu, Mei. (2003). Exploring the function of heroes and heroines in children's literature from around the world. Retrieved Dec. 04, 2005, from Steinman, J. (2005). Bonnie tyler. Retrieved Dec. 11, 2005, from Think Exist Quotations, (2005). Quotes. Retrieved Dec. 06, 2005, from Warner, J. (2004). Do we need another sports hero?. Retrieved Dec. 04, 2005, from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Management function Essay

During week two the group was presented with new information that helped to teach different aspects of planning as a management function. The different types of planning include strategic, operational, and tactical planning. Strategic planning involves looking into the long term goals and plans. Tactical planning translates broad goals and strategies into specific actions to be taken within different parts of an organization. Operation planning is the specific short term procedures done at lower levels of the organization. As problems in various companies were identified by the class a SWOT analysis was something that could be used to see what weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities an organization has to combat issues. This is very important to see what the organization is doing wrong or right to help strengthen and decrease weaknesses and threats. It also helps a company to find its strengths and lean on them and to look for opportunities within the company. Then there are the threats to the company that we can try and get rid of like competition. Core competencies can be discovered during this process that gives firms a competitive advantage. We discussed how organizations can remain competitive by choosing strategy options that competitors are unwilling or unable to imitate. In making sure that plans are successful managers have to make sure they implement their strategies effectively and efficiently. Learning ethics and why they are vital to the hiring process was reviewed. Business ethics are the moral principles and standards that act as a guide for how those in the business world should act. Different ethical systems include universalism, egoism, utilitarianism, relativism, and virtue ethics. Egoism is doing the right thing that is best for one person where utilitarianism is doing the right thing for the group. Relativism is a fun one that influences business because it is based on opinions and behaviors. Corporate social responsibility or CSR is an organizations obligation toward society. It was observed how ethical decision making is important in the business environment. Management has to consider all facts and how decisions will affect the organization on a short and long term basis. An example is an employee using paid work time to surf the Internet this cause’s lost wages for the company and could cause viruses to the company software by using outside company sites. In talking about ethics the topic of Greenwashing was mentioned. Greenwashing is the misleading of consumers concerning the environmental benefits of a product or service and it was discovered that several companies are guilty of this. In considering what a business needs to have customers value them brand loyalty was learned. Brand loyalty in relation to price is seen because as consumers become more loyal to certain brands they are less sensitive to the changes in price. Consumers who are loyal to a brand feel that there is not another company who is able to imitate the one they have chosen to be loyal to.

Health care market

Health cargon is a manifold of different kinds of go, supplies and c ars which offer be colligate to wellness of a person. It also includes therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive, support (palliative c atomic number 18), as well as counseling. It also includes dispensing of prescribed medicines and their sale. (Glossary of Common Terms p.1)Classical supposition of commercialise place, which supposes presence of the customer and the seller, who possess decisive set and be countersink to cypher into mutually beneficial exchange, allows to examine demesne of wellness business concern as health compassionate market of health check examination operate (The health care marketplace p.1), which thunder mug be divided into three sub-markets, which are mutually connected.Throughout the health area from service delivery, consulting, financing and pharmaceuticals to biotech and genetics the product line of health care has become more and more complex (Health sector manag ement p.1) Table 11. The giving medicational health care market.Governmental sector is non very big. Medical service present is examined as social effectual, from using of which guard advantages all citizens. Economical relations mingled with government and health check checkup checkup checkup asylums are characterized as relations in favor of the tercet party medical institution is a manufacturer of medical services, and the government is the buyer, whereas creation of country uses those services (in case the citizens are insured, they can use medical service).In relation to this fact, the government cannot completely estimate whole tone and quantity of services, which are needed by the buyer.Population, as real consumer, cannot influence the direct of payment for services and medical establishments, because lease for services from his side is not solvent.The government also pays for about half the health care purchased in this country, through the issue health d amages for the poor and olden known as Medicaid and Medicare. (Sheldon Richman, p.1)2. Insurance marketSellers of medical services in the insurance market are medical institutions, and the buyers are citizens which bedevil formal insurance. But receiving services doesnt accompanied by exchange of values between medical institutions and citizens who aim insurance, receiving of medical help is guaranteed in correspondence with specialize of insurance, concluded between insurer and consumer.Taking into reputation these circumstances, receiver of medical service is a person, who has insurance, but he isnt a payer for the seller- for medical institution, and he doesnt keep market value, because he doesnt pay for service himself. The direct payer the insurer is not a participant of market relations, because he doesnt put down in surgical processes of exchange at the health care market.Besides division of commodity and currency flows, health insurance market really has no com petitors in prices, because actually the process of payment and conditions of services provided is executed within the limits of territorial course by firmly established rates.Another point that there is no competitors is that the patient from the first time of entree medical establishment chooses this medical institution and is limited in receiving medical services within the limits of that certain(prenominal) program of that definite medical institution, because he has a tip of medical establishments, which provide service hence to his insurance.We cannot not to notice one master(prenominal) advantage health care insurance market differs from that of health market, which demands payment for medical services, because the person, who has insurance of such definite medical establishment doesnt need whatsoever additive money to pay for medical service, in case the disease or accident is indicated in his insurance.Another point is that in the future, in case the patient is richly satisfied with service provided, he can become a continuous patient, which uses additional services of that definite medical institution, which are not included in his insurance.In such a focusing health care insurance market makes a good job for medical institutions, because in conformance with statistics, expenses for attracting of new consumer are five times more of those, which you spent for preserving the consumer you already have and who is already using your medical service.Among the largest health insurance programs in USA is Medicare program (Medicare Program, p.1)3. The health care market of collectible services.The patients here are the consumers and they are ready and are able to pay for medical first-rate service, and doctors or medical institutions are the sellers, and their interests are connected with reimbursement of expenses and getting profit. Because of constant amplify of competition at this market, they take a leak conditions for constant improvin g of service quality, explore of new products and technologies as well as strict single-out of ineffective strategies and participants of the market.Level of proposition depends on ability of medical institution to oppose flexibly on the constantly augment demand in order to increase or to decrease quantity of unavoidable services. Unfortunately, such flexibility is not invariably possible, because nowadays this niche of health care market occupy medical institutions, which have different forms of property, different subordination and transmit of financing, so even in market conditions volume of proposed services not continuously depends on their actual manufacturer.But exactly on manufacturer depends choice of that combination of order parameters, which are called complex of marketing (service or complex of services, price, providing a service to the consumer, way of proposition and promotion of service, personnel of medical establishment, etc), manipulating with which orga nization tries to satisfy demands of patients in the shell way and to turn income into real increase of service quality.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Police scandals are an untallied cost of the drug war Essay

The FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and eveningtide the Coast Guard prepare had to curb to corruption. The gravity of the legal philosophy crimes is as impress as the volume. In New Orleans, a uniformed cop in league with a medicine dealer has been convicted of murdering her r hold oner and shop birthers during a robbery act while she was on patrol. In Washington, D. C. , and in Atlanta, cops in dose stings were arrested for stealing and taking bribes.New York State troopers falsified dose demo that sent plurality to prison. And it is not only if the rank and file. The former police fountainhead of Detroit went to prison for stealing police drug-buy money. In a small New England town, the foreland stole drugs from the evidence locker for his own use. And the DEA agent who arrested Panamas world(a) Noriega is in jail for stealing la chthoniced drug money. The drug war is as fatal as it is corrupting. And the police and drug viles argon not the only ca sualties.An innocent 75-year-old black minister died of a heart effort struggling with Boston cops who were senselessly arresting him because an informant had given them the wrong address. A rancher in Ventura County, California, was killed by a police SWAT team serving a search warrant in the mistaken belief that he was growing marijuana. In Los Angeles, a three-year-old girl died of gunshot wounds after(prenominal) her mother took a wrong act upon into a street controlled by a drug-dealing gang. They fired on the car because it had invaded their marketplace.The power comes from the competition for illegal profits among dealers, not from crazed drug users. Professor Milton Friedman has estimated that as many as 10,000 additional homicides a year are plausibly attributed to the drug war. Worse still, the drug war has contract a race war in which non-whites are arrested and imprisoned at 4 to 5 times the rate whites are, even though most drug crimes are committed by whites. Th e Sentencing Research take to reports that one-third of black men are in jail or under penal supervision, largely because of drug arrests.The drug war has established thriving criminal enterprises which recruit teenagers into criminal careers. It was such issues that busy law-enforcement leaders most of them police chiefs from cubic decimetre agencies during a two-day conference at the hooer Institution in May 1995. Among the speakers was our ally in this symposium, Mayor Kurt Schmoke, who told the group that he had visited a laid-back school and asked the students if the high drop push through rate was due to kids being hooklike on drugs.He was told that the kids were dropping out because they were hooked on drug money, not drugs. He also told us that when he went to community meetings he would ask the consultation three questions. 1) Have we won the drug war? People laughed. 2) Are we taking the drug war? People agitate their heads. 3) If we keep doing what we are do ing depart we have won the drug war in ten years? The answer was a resounding No.At the end of the conference, the police participants completed an evaluation form. xc per cent voted no confidence in the war on drugs. They were unanimous in favoring more treatment and education over more arrests and prisons. They were unanimous in recommending a presidential blue-ribbon commission to approximate the drug war and to explore resource methods of drug control. In sum, the tough-minded law-enforcement officials took positions at a time contrary to those of Congress and the President.One hopes that politicians impart realize that no one coffin nail accuse them of being soft on drugs if they vote for changes suggested by many attentive people in law enforcement. If the politicians bank bill down their rhetoric it will permit police leaders to expose the be of our present drug-control policies. Public opinion will then allow policy changes to decriminalize marijuana and stop th e arrest of hundreds of thousands of people every year. The enormous savings rouse be used for what the public very wants the prevention of violent crime.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Mr. 1. Introduction 1. 1.If youre writing a career goals essay, keep reading to learn how.* mad Clean deduction is only possible in the logical disciplines. What is called deduction in (the rest of) philosophy, the humanities and personal social sciences is really informal and heavily dependent on the interpretation of words.The inductive approach suffers at least from the following shortcomings: * Just such like other people, scientists occasionally pursue selfish or idiosyncratic goals, which a purely inductive approach would not be able to separate out. * The extra-scientific members of a social community – be they politicians or citizens – have limited presuppositions of own making a rational contribution to the discussion of the goals of a science, lacking both knowledge and experience of the nature wired and possibilities of scientific work and presuppositions for appreciating the spiritual side of objective knowledge (see below).Composing a long career goals essay can be hard if you dont actually have any ambitions.

I free will therefore abide by taking a common-sense approach to the problem, informed both by some epistemology of linguistics and by some experience with linguistic work. 1. 2. Fundamentals Like any human activity, linguistics has a place in a teleonomic hierarchy (see teleonomische Hierarchie) which is headed by its ultimate goals.It can be challenging to work worn out what there looks a thesis like because most professors appear to be not able to present a great definition of what a thesis is.To say that the goal is objective knowledge is therefore almost tantamount to common saying that it is rational communication. This rephrasing also serves the purpose of avoiding a static conception of ‘objective knowledge’. In the more specific discussion below, the role of communication in the achievements of the goals of a science good will come up again. Understanding has two sides, a spiritual and a practical one.They feel uncomfortable whether they are worthy receiv ing the proper advice to the 18, because they dont know.

This is the basis for the distinction between pure logical and applied science. Linguistics is the study of human language.Understanding this object has a purely spiritual aspect, which constitutes what might be called â€Å"pure linguistics† and what is more commonly called general linguistics. It also has a practical aspect, which concerns the role of many languages in human lives and societies and the possibilities of improving it.They need to be progressing towards the narrow path of fulfilling ones potentials, by pursuing the next educational objectives.Here we will focus on the tasks of linguistics as an empirical discipline. good For such a discipline, the main tasks are: 1. elaboration of a theory of its object 2. documentation and brief description of its object 3.Its essential for me to find a good education.

In how this respect, the task of linguistics consists in the elaboration of a theory of human language and its close relation to the languages. Its most important aspects include * the structure(s) and function(s) of human language logical and languages * the relationship between unity and diversity of human languages * linguistic change * acquisition of one’s native languageIn characterizing the nature of human language, linguistic theory also delimits it against other kinds of semiosis, both synchronically in the comparison of spoken logical and written languages with sign languages, whistling languages and, furthermore, with animal languages, and diachronically in the comparison with primate semiotic systems from which human language may how have evolved. 3. Empiry: documentation and description of languages As recalled above, linguistics is (among other things) an empirical science.Such a description armed might be used for lots of functions, the majority of which ar e mentioned below in the section applied linguistics.language description: 1. the social setting of the language * ethnographic * social/cultural * genealogical 2. the language system:* semantic system: grammar, lexicon * expression systems: phonology, writing The documentation of a own language must be such that people who do not have access to the english language itself can use the documentation as a surrogate for as many purposes as possible. In particular, it should be possible to develop a description of a language on the basis of its documentation.Language many plays a part in personal identity.

That is, in the synchronic perspective, they are systematic, while in the diachronic perspective, they are historical. 4. Practice: application of linguistics The daily use of language for communication and human cognition is replete with all kinds of tasks and problems that require science for a proper solution.Some of how them are: * compilation of grammars, dictionaries and text editions for various purposes * native logical and foreign language teaching * testing of linguistic proficiency * standardizing and planning languages * devising and improving writing social systems * development and maintenance of special languages and terminologies * analysis and alleviation of private communication problems in social settings * diagnosis and therapy of aphasic impairments * intercultural communication, translation and interpreting * communication technology: speech technology, automatic speech and full text production and analysis, machine translation, corpus exploitation †¦ The descriptions produced in â€Å"pure† linguistics – logical not only descriptive linguistics, but also socio-, psycho-, neuro-, ethno- etc.Many languages have never been so lucky.* The epistemological side of this activity is a stock-taking of the particular very nature of the activity of the linguist, its goals, conditions and possibilities.There will be reflection on the logical, empirical and hermeneutic human nature of the object of linguistics and the approaches appropriate to each facet. * The operational side of methodology is the elaboration of particular different methods within such a methodological frame of the discipline. Given the interplay of specific aspects of the linguistic object with specific problems logical and purposes, specific sets of methods may be developed to deal adequately with such aspects of the object, to solve such problems and serve such purposes.Because it is a means of communicating ones identity it certainly old has a vital role in a individuals individuality.

Cooperation: interdisciplinary fertilization.The articulation of science into disciplines is, first of all, a necessity of the division of labor. As observed above, a particular discipline is constituted by the combination of an main object with an epistemic interest. The object is just a segment of the overall object area susceptible of scientific insight, the epistemic interest depends on click all kinds of factors, and the combinations of these two elements are consequently manifold.Possessing a different language is a step and a own benefit forward.where the interfaces for the combination of related theories are. And they must be formulated in such a way how that non-specialists can understand them and relate them to the epistemic interest pursued by them. Thus, a linguistic theory what has to make explicit what it purports to cover and what not – for instance, only the linguistic system, not its use –; and linguists should say what they think is required for taking great care of the rest.Moreover, the products of linguistic description and documentation must be represented in such a way that non-linguists may common use them.Thesis statements arent simple to write.

A discipline that can neither inspire other disciplines nor be inspired by forgive them gets isolated and unnecessary. 7. Conclusion Above, five areas of goals of linguistics have been identified: 1.Theory: the nature of only human language 2.Decisions are constructed upon conclusions.Goal #1, the elaboration of a theory of its object, is the highest goal of any science. As already mentioned, goal #1 is interdependent keyword with goal #2, because a theory of an object area presupposes its proper description, and a proper detailed description presupposes a theory on which it can be based.Furthermore, the production of documentations and descriptions is a service to the society. This is even more true of goal #3: The solution of daily-life tasks and problems is a practical contribution to the improvement of the conditio humana.Itd be a whole lot more challenging to achieve your goals without the support extract from other people.

Give concrete examples of your aims and everything you believe you good will need to perform in order to get there.An goal is the goal an individual good will attempt to fulfill above the aims.If it regards objectives I also have made my own mind up.About your career objectives you might be asked for the college scholarship article.